Public Call For Startups

WebSummit Serbia 2024

Public call for the free startup participation from Serbia at Web Summit 2024 in Lisbon

Web Summit Serbia 2024, together with partners Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia and Centre for Digital Transformation are excited to announce a public call for startup companies from Serbia to apply for free participation at Web Summit 2024 in Lisbon. This is a unique opportunity for innovative Serbian startups to showcase their solutions on a global stage, connect with investors, and network with industry leaders.

Web Summit Serbia, in partnership with Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia and Centre for Digital Transformation, are awarding 24 most promising startups from Serbia with free participation and exhibiting at Web Summit 2024, as a part of Serbia Island 2024.

1. What is Web Summit?

Web Summit is one of the world's largest and most influential technology conferences, held annually in Lisbon, Portugal. Since its inception in 2009, Web Summit has grown into a global gathering that attracts over 70,000+ attendees, 900+ investors, 2600+ startups from more than 160 countries, including industry leaders, and media representatives. The event features keynote speeches, panel discussions, and workshops led by renowned figures in technology, business, and innovation. With its focus on connecting people and ideas that are shaping the future, Web Summit serves as a critical platform for networking, learning, and showcasing groundbreaking technologies and ideas. Whether you're a startup looking for exposure and investment, a corporation seeking to stay ahead of tech trends, or a professional aiming to expand your knowledge and connections, Web Summit offers unparalleled opportunities to engage with the global tech community.

2. How can you benefit?

Web Summit Serbia 2024, together with its partners, will select and support 24 Serbian startup companies for free participation and exhibiting at the Web Summit 2024 Serbia Island in Lisbon. By attending Web Summit 2024, you will have opportunities to:
  • Receive full 4-months preparatory support (pre, during & post event) to get the best out of your participation at Web Summit 2024, through intensive and specialized Masterclasses, workshops, training and strategic preparation program by world experts (Branson Entrepreneurial Center, Virgin, Mozilla, Hitachi, McKinsey, L’ORÉAL, Nike, World Bank, EU Tech Chamber, etc)
  • Pitch at the largest Web Summit Serbia Pitch event in Belgrade, to be selected in the top 24 startups
  • Get the global exposure and join the global community of startups
  • Get the opportunity to PITCH at Web Summit
  • Meet and attract leading investors
  • Learn directly from tech’s leading investors, accelerators, incubators and executives
  • Be mentored by people who stand behind the unicorns and get advice from people who’ve done it all before
  • Leverage your global impact as a Women in Tech or Youth Startup

3. Who can apply?

If you are a startup company from Serbia, having the innovation and drive to scale your global impact, this is the opportunity for you to shine on the international stage. To be eligible for support, you need to fulfill the criteria below:

  • Each startup must be less than 5 years old
  • At the time of application, the startup must at a minimum be launched and live with their own working website.
  • The startup must have a logo available in .eps format.
  • The startup must have their own unique software product or solutions or they must be working on their own connected hardware devices.
  • Consultancies, agencies, developers, marketing/advertising agencies, public companies will not be accepted.
  • Startups must be their own independent company and not a subsidiary of a larger organization.
  • A startup that is already registered, individually, for the Web Summit 2024 is not eligible to participate as part of the Web Summit Serbia Island programme.
  • A startup not meeting one or more aspects of the above criteria will be rejected by the Web Summit organization directly.

4. How to apply?

  • Applications should be submitted on the LINK
  • Fill in the simple application form
  • Prepare and link the Video presentation of your startup maximum 60 seconds long
  • Prepare and upload Pitch deck presentation of your startup with maximum 10 slides
  • And join official WS Serbian Community group ON THIS LINK

5. How will the startups be selected?

The process of selection will be done in 2 stages:

A. Initial public voting:

All submitted applications will be open for public voting on, and the top 50 startups with the most votes will advance to the Web Summit Serbia Pitch event in Belgrade.

B. Pitchstage:

  • The top 50 startups will pitch, live at the largest ever pitch event in Serbia - the Web Summit Serbia Pitch
  • Selection criteria will be: Innovativeness, global market potential, business model, social and environmental impact, team and expertise, and the pitch quality.
  • Selection will be based on a combination of public votes (50%) and judges evaluations (50%)
  • Final selection: Top 24 startups will be selected based on the combined scores from public voting and judges' evaluations.
  • Special focus will be put on startups fitting in following categories: Women in tech, SusTech, Youth (students’) startups, Socially responsible AI
  • By following these criteria, the most promising and impactful startups, with exceptional founding teams, will be selected to be part of the Serbia delegation and represent the country at Web Summit Lisbon 2024.

6. What are important dates and deadlines?

Event Date
Application start date 05.07.2024
Application submission deadline 31.07.2024
Public voting start 02.08.2024
Public voting closing 16.08.2024
Selected 50 startups announcement 20.08.2024
Web Summit Serbia Pitching event date 05.09.2024
Public announcement of top 24 startups 12.09.2024

7. Can shortlisted, non-selected finalists, still participate as part of the Serbia delegation?

Yes! All shortlisted startups will be able to join the Serbia delegation and purchase a ticket at a discounted price of € 995. This offer is available for all startups that are in the Alpha, Beta, or Growth stage, ensuring that every participating startup can benefit from attending Web Summit 2024.

Partnership with Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Serbia

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